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Help keep us ad free and support independent journalism - for the price of a cup of coffee!- many thanks!

Hit the button above and help us stay Independent and Advert Free! If you like what we do, and would buy us a pint if we met in the pub to say thanks, well here’s your chance. You can buy us a virtual drink (which is really helping to pay for web hosting), and feel all nice inside knowing you’re helping us get you the stuff you like.

We love running Backdrop Journal, and by contributing you’re helping us stay independent. We started Backdrop Journal in 2020 and have managed to bring you a whole load of Splitbaord chat without selling out.

We’d love to keep doing what we do, and by helping us pay for hosting… we can. Just so you know we’re not paid, and we cover all website costs ourselves, as well as give a lot of our free time to record pods and write articles…

Yes we do get thrown the odd free top, and we blag a lift pass here or there, but trust us we ain’t getting paid nowt.

So if you dig what we do then please buy us a nice cool virtual IPA, and we’ll toast you on a mountainside somewhere (virtual non alcoholic drink choices are available too).

Ride, Connect, Stay Safe